Monday, June 13, 2011

Farewell Teaching

Today was my last official day of teaching...bittersweet. However, I don't think it will really hit me until August rolls around and I am not going back to school. After teaching and coaching for five years it will be very different staying at home. With that being said, I truly am excited about this new journey God is taking me on...being a stay at home mom!!

It still is a little surreal that I am going to have a kid in just 6 weeks! I remember the day I found out I was pregnant and now I'm 34 weeks (tomorrow). Lately, things have become a little more difficult to do and that makes it exhausting. I've been taking naps in the afternoon which only aids in the insomnia at night. But I guess that's just my body preparing me for sleepless nights when Baby Edwards arrives. Other than the back pain, exhaustion, and clothes not fitting (except for Keith's tshirts), things have been going really well. Baby Edwards is staying very active and seems to be healthy (based on the checkups). Oh! Keith and I started going to birthing classes a couple weeks ago. They have been very helpful in knowing what to expect during labor as well as some relaxation techniques. The funny thing is that labor itself doesn't scare or worry me or even make me nervous. What makes me nervous is when we actually bring this little boy home and we are in charge of him.

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