Thursday, January 19, 2012

Back to Work

This morning was much different than any other morning since I have had Connor. I woke up, stoked the fire, fed and played with Connor, ate breakfast, and then laid the little guy down for his morning nap. Normally, this is when I would sit back down and catch up on current events.

However, I found myself doing something that was distantly familiar. I made a cup of joe (with my sweet french press - love that thing) and sat down at the kitchen table with the computer, pad of paper, and a pen.

I took a deep breath.

Opened my email.

And began.

This was it.

I was back to work. Officially.

I am so blessed to work for an amazing woman who is a mother of three and has a thriving business. I feel more than blessed to be able to continue my job while being able to stay home with my growing child. Blessed that this woman was patient with me through the last six months, allowed me to keep my job and let me put my two cents in as to what I would like to do (thankfully she allowed my two cents to count). Thanks Emily!!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you enjoy being back at work and that you and Connor are successfully readjusting! I know that you'll be great at being a working mom. You are great at everything you set out to do. :)
