Friday, October 7, 2011


This entire blog post is going to be me bragging on my husband. If this makes you want to gag, well...I don't apologize because my husband is pretty special. If you really know me, you know that I stress about pretty much everything. I have had people in my life that have told me that I thrive off being stressed out. It's true...I am not sure how to be other than stressed, panicked, and busy constantly doing something. Although I desire a chance to just sit and breathe, I am not sure I would know how to react. To be honest, I'd probably find something to fill that void. Keith is the exact opposite - so tranquil and calm in ALL situations. Let me just give you a few examples. One weekend we were in Knoxville and about halfway through the trip he realized he didn't have his cell phone. We looked everywhere for that thing (re-traced his steps to the mall and back and basically all over Knoxville) and could NOT find it. He remained calm and just figured he'd either find it eventually or have another sent to him (it is a company phone). I, on the other hand, was freaking out for him. I kept saying that if it were my phone (my lifeline), I would be in panic mode. Luckily, we found it at home when we returned. Another example is when he wakes up late for work (which doesn't happen very often). When I wake up late for work, I freak out, throw the covers off and stress out automatically flinging clothes out of my closet trying to find something to wear, put my contacts in, brush my teeth, and put my makeup on in the car while driving (and it never fails that I ALWAYS leave something at home that is important that I need for the day). Keith reacts by saying "oh shoot, I'm late." He then gets up and gets ready quickly but remains calm. He is honestly like this in ALL situations. And in those times when I am stressing about work, my forever long to-do list (I continue to add to it at least 3 times a day), running late, etc, he is always there to calm me down. He reminds me that it is never as bad as I think it is and it will all work out in the end the way it is supposed to. He also is there to remind me to take a couple hours to get some extra sleep so I am able to function and face my situations with strength. I can admit this on here (because I know he won't read this :) but in these situations he is always right. You'd think I'd be able figure this out by now, but I haven't. I am so thankful God put Keith in my life (for many reasons) but especially this one. I love the ways that God works and one of those ways is making Keith the way he is and putting him in my life forever :)

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